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Funny Names

The Sad part is, these are real names.......i think.

Okay, okay. Now I know that you have heard some pretty funny names before. Some may not be on this list at all though. If you have seen or heard of a funny name that was not on this list please sent it to me and i will list it A.S.A.P. Andt like always, i will give you full credit.

1. Hugh G. Rection
2. Anita Hoare
3. Anita Johnson
4. Dick Short *
5. Atlanta Wee Wee Inspector
6. Ray Screws
7. Harry Beavers
8. Ho Phat *
9. Fingers, Miracle *
10 Belch, Verbal *
11. Long, Harden *
12. Barr Candy
13. Mark C. Cox (i know this guy too!)
14. Richard C. Head
15. Bolivar SHAGNASTY
16. A. Bowler
17. A. Goodbeer
18. A. goodgirl
19. A. Killer
20. Agnes Large
21. Lief Booger
22. Charm Po Butt *
23. August May
24. Ahmet Semen
25. David Belches
26. Dawari Long John
27. Edwin Boogertman
28. Fannie Sweat
29. Fook You Eng
30. I. Smell
31. Harry Dick
32. John C. Boner
33. Helene Lickdyke
34. Lis Boa
35. Rad Dike
36. Rainy Bowels
37. Richard Horney
38. Richard M. Balling
39. Ugar Oral
40. Wanda Belch
41. Ye Fu Fuk
42. William Cum
43. Adam Baum
44. Art Major
45. Art Craft
46. Anita Bath
47. Anita Bohn
48. Anita Lay
49. Anita Mann
50. Bob Katz
51. Candy Kane
52. Chris Cross
53. Crystal Ball
54. Dan Druff
55. Dick Finder
56. Dick Head
57. Dick Hertz
58. Dick Tator
59. Dr. & Dr. Doctor (real married doctors from Norwalk, CT)
60. Dr. Hurt
61. Duane Pipe
62. Earl E. Bird
63. Eaton Wright and Liv Good
64. Fanny O'Rear
65. Ferris Wheeler
66. Ford Parker'
67. Harry Balls
68. Harry Butz
69. Harry Johnson
70. Jack Hammer
71. Jay Walker
72. Mike Hunt
73. Mike Rotch
74. Seymour Butz
75. Wanna Hickey
76. Robin Banks

Contact me with more names at

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