Freakishly Cool


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Did You Know.......?

Strange, but interesting facts that you never needed (or wanted) to know.

Do you know any other facts that you would like to share? Email Me and and i will post it A. S. A. P.
Don't worry, I will give you full credit!

1) A cat's pee glows under a black light
("Hey, Bob, what are you doing today?"
"Oh, nothing much, Charlie. I was just planning on seeing if cats' pee glows under a black-light."
"Oh, that sounds nice.")
2) You can never fold ANY piece of paper in half more than 8 times
(I tried this. It's true. I tried regular paper, a news paper, tissue paper.... there is no paper that can be folded in half 8 times!)
3) You can not eat 5 saltine crackers in 1 minute (60 seconds)
(I, along with a couple other people, tried this one too. The reason for this is that there is not enough saliva in your mouth to swallow it. You would need a little bit extra time for the spit to come back in your mouth before you can swallow it again.
4) The Bible is the most shoplifted book in the united states
(Well, isn't that strange?)
5) Ernest Vincent Wright wrote an entire 50,000 word novel, Gadsby, without EVER using the letter "E"!
(whoa! I couldnt even write an entire SENSTENCE without using the letter "E". I take it he didn't write his name on the front cover?)
6) Right-handed people live, on average, 9 years longer than left-handed people.
(Good thing I'm right-handed!)
7) The average person farts at least 14 times a day!
(What about the people who work at Taco Bell?)
8) Dreamt is the only word in the english dictionary that ends in M-T.
(useful information. I will keep that in mind.......NOT!)
9) Some butterflies have fake heads on their butts to confuse their hungry predators.
(Okay then...thats, um, kind of....strange.....)
10) Coconuts kill more people in the world than sharks do. Approximitly 150 people get killed from coconuts every year.
(Ahh! Beware of the coconuts! They can get pretty tricky sometimes!)

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