Freakishly Cool


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Ghosts and Hauntings

What is a ghost? The dictionary says that a ghost is the spirit of a dead person, especially one believed to appear in bodily likeness to living persons or to haunt former habitats. Saying the word "ghost" will sometimes make a person laugh and turn away thinking "I have no time for this." Others will listen intently. Some people beleive that if you cannot see it, it isn't there. Other people beleive that there is an whole other world we don't know abaout. So are ghosts real?

Well, folks, you've been waiting and waiting and finally it's here. This page is finally up! Enjoy!
By the way, I know it's not much, But there's a lot more that I am working on for this page right now!

Table of Contents:
I. Ohio
                 a. Ohio University
                 b. The Ridges
II. Alcatraz Island
                 a. Alcatraz Prison
III. Suvannah Georgia
                 a. Rene's Underground Lair
 more coming soon.....

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