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Ohio State University

Ohio State University

Athens Ohio is home to Ohio State University. They say that OU has been haunted since the 1800's and is actually considered to be one of America's most haunted places. Almost every building on campus has it's own ghost, with it's own story. Five local cemeteries (Zion, Simms, Hanning, Cuckler and Higgins.See picture below). You cannot stay on campus without hearing stories about different hauntings people have experienced in many of the buildings, or experiencing them yourself.

Delt House-

A few years ago a few students stole a gravestone from Simms Cemetery, which by the way is also thought to be one of America's most haunted places (I know. A cemetery? Haunted? No way! Of all the places..) as part of a prank on another students. Shortly after that they began to experience some strange poltergeist activity on campus. Lights would flicker on and off by themselves, windows would open and close, doors would slam, things would move on their own. It soon became very dangerous as several students were injured due to drawers flying across the room, windows would crash down shattering glass everywhere. These incidents grew more and more dangerous everyday until finallt they made up their minds to return the headstone. Upon doing so they learned that the headstone read "Simms". They did not encounter any more poltergeist activity after returning the headstone.

Brown House-

Millie Brown donated this house to the campus after she died. She used to love to sit out on her front porch and just watch the people of Athens. They say that you can still see her sitting by her window watching the town. You can also still here the children of Athens playing in her swimming pool that has not been there for years.

Jefferson Hall-

In the beginning of fall quarter in 1996 a few students of OU were exploring a higher level of Jefferson Hall. They came across a room that was supposed to be an unused room with a woman sitting at a desk wearing an older style of clothing, like 1950's style. They tried to talk to her but did not get an answer. It was then that they noticed that she was transparent and floating behind her desk. They ran to get the RA but when they returned they found the door was locked. There was no sign whatsoever of anyone being there. They think that the woman that they saw was an  old elementary school teacher from the 1950's.
A couple of night's later strange things started to happen. A student was in the bathroom and all of the toilet paper rolls started to unravel in all of the other stalls around her. When the same thing started to her she tried to run out of the bathroom. Just then the lights started flickering and faucets on and off.
You an also hear voices in the halls when no one is around and most commonly (this happens in pretty much all of the haunted buildings) is a marble sound, like someone was dropping hundreds of marbles on the floor at once. Or something like liquid dripping......

Washington Hall-

OU hosts summer sing on the floorsomewhat thicker than water.
ports programs in some random halls. One summer a girl's basketball team spent the summer at Washington Hall. They spent most of their free time in the hallways playing basket ball. By the time they left most of them said that they had just spent the best summer of their lives there. A little while later the entire bus got into terrible accident killing the entire team. You can still hear the girls dribbling the ball, lauhing and having a good time in the halls.

Bush Hall

Bush Hall is said to be haunted by some kind of poltergeist. However, no one knows when, how or why it started. The residents of Bush Hall have reported being followed in the halls when no one is around, sink faucets turning on and off by themselves, and those sounds, as mentioned before of marbles dropping and rolling across the floor. Closet doors open on their own and lights flicker.

Crawford Hall

Crawford hall was, for the longest time thought to pretty much ghost free for the longest time.maybe it was because of its relatively new constructionBut that didn't last too long..
Some time after spring break in 1993 and the students were just arriving back on campus when a student managed to fall OU her 4th floor window. Although people rushed to help none of them were quick enough to save her.
The following year, male residents began having problems on the first floor. Doors that were locked closed would for some reason open and lights would turn on when they were off, their personal belongings would go missing, refrigerator doors would be left open..Everyone always blamed the other roommate for all of these things.
One night a resident on the 1st floor was taking a nap when his door opened. He knew that his roommate would not be returning till later so he sat up to see who it was. A female walked into his room and sat next to him, then said "I'm sorry, I've woken you" and walked out of the room. He got up to look into the hallway and saw no one. He went to talk to the RA about it, swearing that he had never seen her before and what she was wearingas he was talking the RA became more and more alarmed. She went outside and confirmed that the resident's room was in the exact spot where the student fell out her window 1 year before.


One student, in her freshman year of College lived in the Convo, or Convocation Center, was awakened in the middle of the night and started screaming that someone else was in the bed with her. Her roommates calmed he down and she finally went to sleep. This continued for the next two weeks and then started to die down. She later learned that a resident died in her sleep the year before in that same exact room and in that same exact bed.
This one is REALLY weird.
A few years ago, three roommates notices that their forth roommate was a little strange. She would sit there and talk to her closet for hours for some reason. They thought that she was just crazy. It was finally time for this roommate to take her first trip home for the weekend. Before she left she told her roommates that the closet was angry that she was leaving and that they should be careful. They nodded their heads and said okay. When she left they were happy that they were going to have their first normal weekend.or so they thought.
After she left weird things started happening..The window shade moved up and down, the TV changed channels on their own, chairs began to fall down and the closet door slammed open and shut and books started to fly. The women ran from their room, terrified and ended up staying with some friends for the weekend until the forth roommate returned. When she did return she spoke to the closet and everything went back to normal again.
Back in the 1980's people were a little more care-free than they are today. They left their doors unlocked and walked around alone at night.
When the Administrative Resident Assistant broke up with her boyfriend he was so angry that he went over to her room in the Convo late one night and started pounding on the door. When she opened the door he stabbed her to death. They say that she still wanders the halls at night checking to make sure everyones doors are locked.

Wilson Hall

I don't think that any story ever has or ever will scare me as much as this one.
Back in the 1970's when students were moving into Wilson Hall, music and laughter filled the halls.  Everything seemed normal until a young woman moved in at the end of the hallway. Every night she could be heard chanting in another language. A faint gree glow would come through the door and cast scary ghost-like shadows. Needless to say students avoided that end of the hall. The closer it got to Halloween the louder the chanting grew until one night they heard a loud scream that made their hair stand on ends, followed by complete silence. For the next few days the student was not seen. People became concerned and went to check on her only to find that she had killed herself during some kind of ritual after smearing symbols on the walls in her own blood. Some say she might have been possesed when she did so.

The next year after they had cleaned up the mess and re-painted the walls, students began to move in again. That didn;t last too long. After just a few days a green glow filled the room and the loud chanting could be heard again. The blood on the walls started to seep through the many layers of paint thet covered it. They eventually knocked down the wall and turned that room into a boiler room. You can still hear noises other tahn the sounds of can hear things like banging sounds and clicking and things moving around. The door to this room bears the face of a demon watching the halls......


James Hall


Crawford Hall